 PGP key:
67BB C847 14E0 C31A 736A
5E08 C787 DF8D D41F A8D1



 Open Science Framework:

My name is John D. Martin III, and I am a PhD student in the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

My work focuses on trust and credibility in interfaces, systems, and other intermediaries that facilitate information exchange and transfer between people. In short, two questions motivate my work:

  1. What makes us trust the information we are presented with?
  2. What motivates us to offer up our information to impersonal, machine-based interfaces?

Through this work, I explore the underlying epistemologies and worldviews embedded in the technologies and information systems that surround us, and are sometimes completely transparent to us. This field has given me the opportunity to explore the nature of human interactions with information as a mode of social exchange.

I have an academic background in the humanities: first in classics and then in the history and culture of the Islamic world. While studying and working in the Middle East, I became interested in cultural institutions and the ways that they codified and preserved information historically. This interest and work in archives and libraries led me to pursue the PhD in information science. 

If you wish to contact me, the best way is to send me a tweet (@jdmar3) or email me.

About - John D. Martin III